Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tre's Manifesto

We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance.
- Harrison Ford

photo by: Mark Tymczyszyn

What is everything to me? I’ve always been told, go to school and play sports. And that’s what it has been, school and sports, since I can remember at least. But that can’t everything for the rest of my life. I mean my body can only play for so long, and I have to graduate sooner or later, so then what? When this happens, will somebody tell me what to do? Or do I finally have a choice. What will happen to all the talent and knowledge live gained the past eighteen years. Do I even care for that knowledge? Will I miss the talent? I really don’t think so. I’m sure I will stroll down memory lane countless times but something will come up. The world is a sphere of endless possibilities that I must exploit. Taking all chances and grasping every opportunity will eventually lead to me ideal oasis. What is everything to me? I cannot tell you now, but as long as I am happy, then that is everything I need.

Everyone's values differ between another, but everyone's values are their everything
- Wilson Hadfield